Learning Resources

Recreate famous pieces of art from the Getty Collection using your own household objects at https://blogs.getty.edu/iris/getty-artworks-recreated-with-household-items-by-creative-geniuses-the-world-over/

-View animated versions and do art projects based on the Howard B. Wigglebottom book series at Wedolisten.org
-Watch,learn about and try drawing different animals you see on virtual tours of the Los Angeles Zoo at lazoo.org or the Cincinnati Zoo at http://cincinnatizoo.org/home-safari-resources/

-Virtually visit the Natural History Museum at nhm.org to see lots of very interesting things!
Maybe you’ll want to draw something you see!

A  family Rube Goldberg Challenge:

Goldberg Challenge

A great assemblage lesson based on the fantastic artwork of Betye Saar from UCLA’s Hammer Museum:

Betye Saar
Pop Expressionist Artist