Emergency Procedures
If there is an emergency at school, school personnel have been trained, and will react quickly to protect children. If the emergency is a fire, students will evacuate to their Assembly Area until authorities determine that it is safe to re-enter the buildings. If there is an earthquake, students will duck, cover, and hold on as trained until the shaking stops, and then will evacuate the building to the Assembly Area. Students will not return until the buildings have been inspected and it is determined to be safe to enter. In both of these cases, students are being led away from the building, which due to the fire or earthquake has become a possible danger to them.
In rare instances, where more distance is needed to ensure student safety, students may be relocated to another site. Parents will be advised of all relocations through Blackboard Connect automated phone message.
If there is a hazard outside, such as a report of a person in the area with a gun, or a nearby chemical release, students will be brought inside, where the building itself will help protect them from danger. Schools will act to protect students, and are prepared to shelter the students inside classrooms for hours if necessary. If students are held for a lengthy period of time, there are plans in place for emergency food, medical and restroom needs – these plans vary depending on the nature of the danger to students.
If there is an emergency at school, you will generally see one of two scenarios when you arrive at the school. You may see all of the students outside in the Assembly Area, if the building is potentially dangerous to the students, or you will see no one outside, because there is a potential hazard outside of the school, and officials are keeping the children inside, and using the building to help shield the students from harm.
Depending on the situation, you may not be able to get close to the school and may be asked to wait in a safe area near the school. If it is hazardous for students to be released, everyone will be kept inside the school until they are notified by the authorities that it is safe. Schools will act with the safety of students in mind, and school officials will always follow the directives of the police department and the fire department.
School bus drivers are trained in first aid and communicate by two-way radio with the District. LAUSD buses are equipped with first aid kits and most have GPS units that transmit their location at all times. If your child is on a school bus when an emergency such as an earthquake occurs, after the shaking stops, the school bus driver will proceed to the nearest school. That school will care for your child, and you will be contacted with the location by Blackboard Connect automated phone call.
The staff of Sherman Oaks Elementary Charter have been trained in disaster preparedness and sheltering techniques. Plans have been made to care for all students and employees in case of an emergency. In the event of an emergency, parents are advised to remain calm and to follow these emergency disaster procedures:
- Tune to emergency radio stations: KFWB (AM 980) or KNX (AM 1070). Stay off the telephone. Communicating with the school via telephone after the disaster will prove difficult and could delay emergency communications. After an emergency, all rooms will be checked, and students will be escorted to an emergency assembly area.
- When arriving at school, parents or other designated adults should first report to the REQUEST GATE located in the front of the school on Greenleaf Street adjacent to the Main Office, and sign-out each child. Please remember that students will only be released to adults whose names are listed on the student’s Emergency Card. Parents must make sure that the Emergency Card is current and correct. Please notify the school anytime the emergency contact information changes. Photo I.D. will be required at the Request Gate.
- Parents will proceed to the REUNION GATE, located in the front of the school on Greenleaf Street, just east of the Reading Garden, which is, where they will meet their children. Parents or guardians are to wait at the Reunion Gate until child(ren) are escorted to the parent. No child will be dismissed from the emergency assembly area without the authorization of a parent, Principal or designee.
- Designated staff members will be available at both gates to assist parents.
- If Parent/guardian/designee is unable to pick up their child(ren) following the emergency disaster, the student(s) will REMAIN AT SCHOOL under the supervision of school staff until their arrival.
- Updates will be posted at the REQUEST GATE
- How We Prepare For Emergencies https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/4878
- Earthquake Preparedness https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/4881
- If There Is A Fire https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/4886
- During A Lockdown https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/4882
- Shelter In Place https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/4892