Standing Advisory Committees

The Council has established certain advisory committees in order to allow broader participation and to help the Council operate more efficiently as it works towards achieving the goals outlined in our charter. The committees meet separately from the governance council, but report their progress at the regular monthly Council meetings. Committee meetings will be posted on the SOEC website and on the bulletin board in the SOEC office. Parents are invited to attend and participate. 
Our Standing Advisory Committees include
Budget Committee (Lead: Kan Mattoo/Carla Miller)
  • Prepares the school budget every year, based on various funding received and on the needs of the school. 
  • It requires participation of school staff (Principal, School Administrative Assistant)
  • Meets 3x-5x a school year (Beginning of school year and then again in the Spring to prepare the school budget)
Positive Behavior Committee (Lead: Jen Ancewicz)
  • Fosters positive behavior in students by reviewing the effectiveness of current school behavior policies and recommending new research - based practices related to discipline, antibullying, citizenship, and character development
  • Review monthly school attendance data to identify new strategies for improving the number of studnets attending school at least 96% of the time
  • Continue implementing school-wide incentive program to reward students monthly for perfect attendance; communicate with parents of children not meeting 96% objective; promote attendance  goals with all stakeholders
  • Share attendance data monthly at Governance Council Meetings
  • Meets monthly
Communications Committee (Lead: Carla Miller/Ana Medina)
  • Reviews policies and recommends procedures to ensure efficient, timely communication with the Sherman Oaks Community; 
  • Meets 2-3x per school year
Curriculum Committee (Lead: Julie Curtis)
  • Researches curriculum recommendations based on the educational program outlined in the Charter
  • Committee's focus will include Homework Policy and Eureka Math
  • Updates LCAP
  • Updates Annual Charter Oversight
Safety Committee (Lead: Hope Matthews)
  • Oversees safety and security for students and all other community members both on campus and on the school's perimeter
  • Plans and organizes Fall and Spring Drill
  • Meets 5-8 times per school year or as needed
  • Implements and updates school safety plan 
  • Monitors safety supplies and classroom backpacks
  • Disseminates safety information
Technology Committee (Lead: Marc Navarro)
  • Surveys technology inventory, develops/refines the school technology plan (based on a school-wide technology curriculum)
  • Coordinates with tech assistant to ensure that all technology needs are addressed
  • Meets 2-3x per school year or as needed
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee ((Lead: Hope Matthews)
  • Focus: Educating and Empowering our school community in building cultural awareness and sensitivity by fostering a culture on anti-racism.
Strategy Committee Meeting (Lead: Carla Miller)
  • Creates specific plans/processes to implement the education program as spelled out  in the Charter. 
  • Involves the periodic resetting of mid-to-long term strategic direction and priorities; subcommittees focus on key issues and the specific initiatives needed to attain long term strategic goals.
All committees report out on their progress to the monthly Governance Meetings.