After School Programs

Beyond the Bell Youth Services:
Our playground will be open after school from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. (Tuesdays from 1:20 - 6:00). The after-school playground follows LAUSD rules and is available for students in Grades 2-5 only as this is a permissive program. Children must follow the direction of the playground supervisor(s). We ask for your understanding in this matter. If your child will be staying on the after-school playground please complete an application for the Youth Services yard director.  Download application here.
Kids Center:
After-School programs (fee required) available on the Sherman Oaks site include Kid Center and Super School. The SOPA Kids’ Center provides on-site childcare for students of Sherman Oaks Elementary Charter. In addition to operating before and after school (September-June), we operate a full day camp schedule on teacher training days, pupil free days, and vacations. A nine-week summer camp is also available. Our licensed daycare program is owned by the Sherman Oaks Parents Association. Applications can be picked up in the Kids Center Office. For more information, click here
 or contact Deanna Weigold, M.S., Director at  [email protected]
Super School:
Sherman Oaks Parent Association coordinates a vast amount of engaging enrichment classes after-school such as:
  • Hip Hop
  • Chess
  • Jedi Training
  • Art and more...
For more information click here.
Sherman Oaks Hot Supper Meal Program
Sherman Oaks is one of about 500 schools in LAUSD that offers an after school meal program.
The After School Supper Program is open to all students under the age of 18. Students are not required to be enrolled in either the school or the school's after school program in order to receive the supper. The supper fills any gap in nutrition after the school day ends, meeting nutrition guidelines during the week. Students enrolled in Youth Services (YS) or Kids Center take part in the free supper program everyday.