General Guidelines:

District electronic devices are provided for educational purposes, and approved social media is to be used at school for educational purposes only and under the direction of a teacher or school leader. Students should recognize that the District is authorized to access, view, record, check, receive, monitor, track, and log any social media activity conducted on District network or District provided electronic device. Students are expected to exemplify the student code of conduct in all interactions.  The District has jurisdiction over student online behavior in certain circumstances: 
  1. behavior that occurs while on the school premises and at school related activities even if the conduct was on the student's personal device
  2. behavior that occurs at any time while on a District issued electronic student's personal device
  3. behavior that occurs outside of school but significantly disrupts the school's operations. 
AT SOEC we strive to educate our students to be responsible digital citizens: 
  • Prepare them to engage in a digitally rich world
  • Support the cultivation of a positive digital footprint
  • Engage students as both consumers and producers of information