Los Angeles Unified School District utilizes an on-line attendance reporting system. Each morning teachers log on to the District website to note those students who are absent. Students who arrive late are entered into the system as tardy for the day. In addition, students who leave school early have their check-out time entered into the system. The system recognizes students who arrive late or leave early as tardy since both situations cause students to miss instructional time.
An automated phone system notifies parents the same day their son/daughter has been marked either absent or tardy. One phone call is made at 10am and another at 6pm. Please be advised that the system uses one generic message for students who are tardy or absent.
We understand how hectic it can be getting out the door in the morning; however, it is important for all students to be in school and on time everyday. Instruction in the classroom begins at 8:05 a.m. All students should line up in their student lines on the playground by 7:55 a.m. The second bell rings at 8:00 am and each class proceeds to the room. If you bring your child to school after 8:10 a.m., he or she is tardy and must enter through the front office to be admitted into class. Tardiness is not a trait we want our students to develop, and entering a classroom habitually late is impolite, interrupts the morning routine, and deprives all students of valuable class time. Students should have no more than 7 absences a year. Our attendance and tardiness policy will be enforced.
Illness and Absences
When children are absent for any cause, parents are required to send a note to school giving the specific reason for the absence. Tardiness should also be verified by a note. State law requires that each absence be verified. Absences are excused only when a child is absent from school due to illness or medical appointments. Please keep your child out of school only when he/she is ill. When taking your child out of school, students must be checked out through the main office.
We encourage you to make your child’s doctor and dental appointments outside of school hours. Senate Bill (SB) 727 placed in effect that the School Districts will no longer receive funds from the State for any student absence. Therefore, the school loses money each time a child is absent. Unless your child is ill, please make sure that your child attends school and arrives on time.
Please keep your child home if he or she has a fever or if you suspect he or she has a contagious condition such as flu, chickenpox, lice or pinkeye. If your child becomes ill at school, the office will call you to pick up your child. Please be sure your Emergency Child is up to date so the school staff can contact you. The office will not release your child to anyone not listed on the card. Any pre-designated individual picking up your child will be required to present a picture ID to the office staff. Should you need to pick up your child before dismissal time, you must first go to the office and sign your child out. The office will contact your child’s teacher, who will send your child to the office.
In addition, children on crutches, or those wearing casts, slings, or Ace bandages will require a re-admission note from the family physician indicating any activity restrictions.
If a student requires medication during school hours, the parent/guardian must file a signed medication form with the office. The parent/guardian must provide the required prescription information and supply the medication in its original pharmacy container. The office will administer the medication as prescribed. Students may not bring any type of medication, including over-the-counter medications, to school, nor are they permitted to self-administer any type of medication on school grounds.
Unexcused absences include: vacations, trips, unverified illness, running errands, “family emergency”, weather, traffic, transportation issues.