Can Room Assignments Be Changed?

Your child is initially assigned to a room to begin the school year. This is a tentative assignment. We do not know until the students arrive at school how many children are actually enrolled. Therefore, we may need to make some classroom adjustments during the first few weeks.

Please explain to your child or children that his or her room assignment may be changed. If you tell your child right from the beginning that there may be a teacher change, then he or she will understand if it actually occurs. We will make every effort to make as few changes as possible and we will keep the best interest of all children in mind.

Some changes may also occur later on in the year if our enrollment increases or decreases. We appreciate your understanding and support. All attempts are made to keep these adjustments to a minimum. 

Are Classroom Visitations Allowed?

Parents are welcome to visit the school, meet their child's teacher, and become acquainted with the school program. Twenty minutes is the suggested limit time for visitations. We require that visitors come to the office first to obtain a visitor's badge and sign in. In order for each teacher to get to know the children, it is strongly recommended that parents wait until after Back to School Night to make classroom visits.